
And now it's July

Have you guessed yet? We fell off the wagon in a big way. It was one thing and then another. I pulled that same muscle in my shoulder area (dang, my Kenpo intensity!), then Fred hurt his heel (work related,) and then I stepped on an upholstery tack. So, when we healed, we were out of the habit. Starting over isn't easy. Picking up where we left off now is impossible. We can't take 30-day pictures and measurements after ...um.... many weeks off! Plus those 4th of July cookouts and the neighbor's cookies didn't help me any. I don't think I've gained weight, but I certainly haven't lost any either. And, besides that, my P90X-growin' muscles have now turned back into vacation-food-flab.
We want to start back up. The desire is there, but the motivation may be a bit lackin'! I like to sew and craft in the evenings and Fred likes to... do nothing. He works so hard all day, and just crashes at home. Can't say I blame him!

So, wish us luck! If you start the program, let me know how it goes for you, and maybe my motivation will pick back up!