
And now it's July

Have you guessed yet? We fell off the wagon in a big way. It was one thing and then another. I pulled that same muscle in my shoulder area (dang, my Kenpo intensity!), then Fred hurt his heel (work related,) and then I stepped on an upholstery tack. So, when we healed, we were out of the habit. Starting over isn't easy. Picking up where we left off now is impossible. We can't take 30-day pictures and measurements after ...um.... many weeks off! Plus those 4th of July cookouts and the neighbor's cookies didn't help me any. I don't think I've gained weight, but I certainly haven't lost any either. And, besides that, my P90X-growin' muscles have now turned back into vacation-food-flab.
We want to start back up. The desire is there, but the motivation may be a bit lackin'! I like to sew and craft in the evenings and Fred likes to... do nothing. He works so hard all day, and just crashes at home. Can't say I blame him!

So, wish us luck! If you start the program, let me know how it goes for you, and maybe my motivation will pick back up!


Today is...ahem...Day 25

5/21 was Day 20 Legs and Back and Ab Ripper

5/22 was Day 21... and now I don't remember what we did, because my schedule isn't in front of me. Sorry! ;-)

5/23 was Day 22 Rest. No workout. I totally fell off the wagon, and ate pizza for both lunch and dinner. Everything in moderation, right? Except that I did NOT eat in moderation. That's okay. I'll pick myself back up and just try again. :-)

5/24 was Day 23 We worked out, on schedule, but we didn't push ourselves like we usually do.

And here is where the going gets tough. (Or not tough.)
We got busy. I don't mean our "on-the-go, what's-next busy lifestyle"... I mean we were not home. Or only for a few minutes before heading out. It was a holiday weekend, plus Fred took an extra day off. So we rafted, hiked, partied, went to friends' homes, etc.
So, for THREE DAYS we did not work out.

Ack!! I won't call it a total fall-off-the-wagon failure, because we were extremely physically active during those three days. But still....

So, we talked and resolved not to let that happen again. We started back up tonight, for our Day 25. We did Ab Ripper and Legs and Back. And, seriously, I could tell that we hadn't worked out in a few days. The soreness is back in a big way. I couldn't even do quite as many sit-ups! Psychological? Perhaps. But that just makes me more resolute to get it back together!! :-)

Decide. COMMIT. Succeed. I believe!


5/18 was Day 17 and we had Plyo. Plyo kicks butt. We're getting better at it!!

5/19 was Day 18 and we did Ab Ripper and Shoulders & Arms. I only got about half of the Shoulders/Arms video in because Oli would not leave me alone. We've started working out while the kids watch a video in the evening, from 6:30-7:30pm. It was just too late for us to start workouts at 8:30 every evening.
Anyway, I'm okay with half the video. Fred did the whole thing, and he was AWESOME!

5/20 was Day 19 yoga. It should be called stretching, because that's what it is. Intense stretching.

Today is Day 20, which means I only have 10 days until new stats and pics are posted!!


On Day 16 a leaner schedule plus ABS

Well, today's schedule called for Ab Ripper and then Chest and Back. But, because we are still sore from hiking, sunburns, and yesterday's workout, we decided not to lift weights. We did do the Ab Ripper again. Have I mentioned how much I hate oblique sit-ups? I. Hate. Them. But I am getting MIGHTY dang great at the mason twist, if I may say so myself. And I can do the sit-ups like no one's business now. Yes, these abs will be awesome in another 63 days! ;-)

After Abs we elected to do the "Lean version" Sunday workout of Core Synergetics. Lean does not imply easy and should not be interpreted as such. It was tough. I thought the banana moves were going to make me motion sick at first! And the bow/ boat thing is just plain mean. On the very bright side, I felt my butt burning, which is always good. Butt flab be gone! Personally, I think the "moving boxes" (or whatever it's called) is the most effective exercise in this video!

We'll start posting some photos of us doing the workouts, if you promise not to laugh. And we'll post our "official 30-Day pictures" in about 2 more weeks!

Exercise begets exercise. I work and therefore I want to work. Oh, yes-- Bring it!

Decide. Commit. Succeed.


Days 10-15

5/11 Day 10 I had dinner out with my mom and sisters, to celebrate Mother's Day with them, so I wasn't able to work out at all. No worries-- I'll still get in all of the workouts for the week!!

5/12 Day 11 Abs and Shoulders and Arms. I used 8 lb weights this time. I think I'll try 10 next time, because I wasn't really sore. Fred used 15-20lbs for the reps.

5/13 Day 12 Plyo. 'Nuf said.

5/14 Day 13 Ab RipperX and Legs and Back-- I did the ENTIRE video minus 10 oblique sit-ups!! Soo happy!! Fred is getting stronger and better at sitting on the wall. I'm already pretty good at that! It's the endless lunges that land me on my tush.

5/15 Day 14 We went to Devil's Den and hiked with backpacks on, and took turns carrying the Little Lad. Last night we did Yoga, even though it was Kenpo night. I figure we can rearrange things for one week, as long as we get all of the workouts in. Fred has vacation days this week, and we're in and out of town.

5/16 Day 15 Ab Ripper & Kenpo-- Abs were tougher for me tonight. Obliques were especially hard.


Day 9 Plyo again!

Last night we did Abs and Chest and Back. ugh. Push-ups, push-ups, and more push-ups.
"Would you like them here or there?"
"No, I do not like them anywhere!!!"
Actually, the first million are okay, but then it just gets too tiring! ;-)

Today, Day 9, we did Plyo. Fred thinks they should add the "creek jumping" to the Kenpo videos, so we can leap over the guy after we knee, claw, and kick him. Sorry, you'd have to be here to get it.

I baked fish and potatoes for supper, and our house was pretty warm from having the oven on. Actually, it was 78 degrees in here, so we took all of our jogging/ water breaks outside for quick relief. Yes, they JOG on BREAKS. My heartrate got up to 168bpm today which I know is above my target range. Argh. I'm aiming for 140-150. I want to be in shape, and I'm having trouble staying at the right range. When I push myself to get stronger, my heart flips out. I'll get there....

I AM enjoying the process. It feels good to work hard, sweat hard, push the limits, and then collapse with satisfaction. Tomorrow I have shoulders AND abs to complete, after a 3-hour photo op, and before I can eat lunch. Say a prayer?

Bring It!


Day 7 and today is WEEK 2, Day 8!!

Last night was our Day 7, the day of rest or Stretching. Remember, though, that we took this day on Thursday, so we had to work hard last night. I'm glad, because I needed it!!

First I did Ab Ripper, while Fred gloated on the couch (he already did this on the correct day!) Ab Ripper- I love it, but I hate it. Someday I'll keep up with those guys.
The Mason Twist is really one of my favorite moves, and I'm setting some goals with reps.
Those stupid sideways sit-ups (whatever they're called) are torture.

Then we did Legs and Back together. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Those sneaky lunges (all on tip toes!!!) are HARD. And the one legged-wall-sitting. Oh. My. Goodness. You go until your legs are shaking and you're near collapse. I have to say, I did NOT make it through this video. I went down, totally on the floor, twice and then my body gave out with 15 minutes still to go. We just couldn't continue.

At first I was a bit discouraged, but Fred reminded me that no one can make it through all of the videos in the first week. We WILL get there.

I've gotten a LOT of emails from people who are interested in doing P90X, but they are intimidated. Let me say, first, that Tony's whole philosophy is "Do your best and leave the rest." He will encourage you to take breaks in the middle of reps, if you need to. He always shows the easier and harder versions of moves. There are options to use weights on some exercises, or not..."You find your intensity level." I would have to constantly remind myself of this, if Tony wasn't saying it all the time. So, keep in mind, that anyone can start this. You start where you are, and work hard. He even addresses exercise modifications for people with injured knees, back, etc.

And there's a funny thing about exercise. The more you work out, the more you want to work out. The soreness is goooood. It helps you envision what you're working towards.

When I'm stressed and then workout, I feel my stress just flowing out, in productive ways. It's also a great example for the kids.

Another bonus: Fred and I are spending so much time together now, cheering each other on, giving each other sympathy massages, setting goals. My husband is looking fantastic after 1 WEEK (and, yes, he did before, but the changes are already noticeable.) He cut half of his daily calories by eliminating Mountain Dew!! :-) Shame on those Mountain-Dew-makers!

Today starts WEEK 2! Hooray! We have Chest and Back and Ab Ripper to complete.


Days 4, 5, and 6!

On Wednesday we had yoga. Fred thought it would be a nice break. HA! And, no worries...there's no chanting or anything like that. This is exercise. Just moves. Just intense stretching. Don't freak.

Yesterday, Day 5, was supposed to be Legs and Back and Ab Ripper. I couldn't get my workout in, so I did the Legs warm-up and then Stretching. In other words, I'm switching Day 5 and Day 7. No biggie. Fred did Ab Ripper last night, so he won't have to work through it with me tomorrow.

Today, Day 6, we did Kenpo (like Chinese martial arts.) I was sweating and busy, even got some asthma, but it didn't feel as hard as Plyometrics or Abs. The star block totally confounded me. I'm not great at keeping up with moves that have so many parts to them! ;-) The Claw and Hammer move really made me feel tough, though. Oh, yeah, watch out!
I did, however, pull a muscle in my neck, shoulder area. Fred is promising a nice massage later, so I'll survive. :-)

I am rewarding myself with a homemade Italian cheesy roll and a small glass of Chardonnay!


Day 3 Ab Ripper X and Shoulders and Arms

Yesterday was Day 3. I was too tired to type after the workouts.

We did Ab Ripper first. It is hard, as always, but I enjoy it. I'm already getting stronger and can do more reps. Fred has a hard time with the mason twist... it's difficult for him to keep his legs up. He said he'll work on practicing the moves before our other workouts. I call that motivation!

Shoulders and Arms wasn't that tough for me, because I wasn't lifting enough weight. Fred used 15-20lb weights, and I just used the resistance bands and my 5 lbs weights. I'll get bigger weights today. Fred did ALL of this, and he was dripping sweat. I am so proud of him!!!! :-)


Day 2 Plyometrics

We worked our buns off tonight. And, actually, the kids did a lot of it with us! I would have taken some cute pictures if I hadn't collapsed. Yes, I did collapse at one point, but I got right back up and kept at it. And we both did about 90% of the exercises this time!!! YAY!

Every muscle in my body burns and aches. Oh yeah, baby!

Last night, as I climbed gingerly into bed, Fred was right in my spot. Why? Because my side of the bed is closer to the bathroom and he needed to roll out at night. Uh, huh. Wimp. ;-)

Is it just me, or does that rockstar move totally wear you out?? And what's with the double-time knee jumps?? Oh. My. Goodness. I had to just go at my own pace with those, although I did all of the moves correctly, and for the entire time. Fred kept up better with that. And he never collapsed.

Note to self: wear bikini top when exercising, and always wash make-up off beforehand, so it doesn't go sliding into eyes!

Decide. Commit. Succeed. I believe!!


Day 1 yes, AGAIN

(...have you ever seen Ground Hog Day with Bill Murray?.... the never-ending day....)

Well, ladies and gents,
We started our first day with ab ripper and plyometrics. Then we started our second day with the stretching, because we couldn't move all that much. Today we started our Day 1 Schedule of Chest and Back and then Ab Ripper X. Ouch. Ouch. Ouchie Ouch Ouchie Ouch. It's my new song.

Today, before we worked out, we were already moaning and groaning with every move. Man, we've worked muscles that we may never have worked before. I have to say, that Ab Ripper is harder, much harder the second time. The sore muscles are doing the same moves again. OUCH. And some of those moves are dang near impossible right now for us. But we will do this.

We will succeed! I think we will succeed because we are doing this together. We've never even attempted anything like this together before, and now we're cheering each other on, planning out our workout schedule and menus, and we're able to sympathize and encourage each other through the burning muscles.

I keep picturing us climbing mountains, and going rafting, hiking the Grand Canyon, you name it. Not to mention that we'll be doing all of this while looking great! :-)
Decide. Commit. Succeed. I believe!


Still, only 89 Days to Go!

Well, we're counting today as Day 1. Yesterday we used my sister's videos, so we started with ab ripper and Plyometrics. Now that we have our own videos, we're starting again, "officially." So, yeah, yesterday was only a warm-up!!

I must say, Plyometrics could kill me. I may never walk again.
I keep telling myself that it's a good burn. And it really is. Still, my bum is achin' like it's never ached before.

When Tony shouted "okay, now double-time." Fred and I just looked at each other with wide eyes, and said in unison, "No way!"

Decide, Commit, Succeed


89 Days to go!!

Fred's Fitness Test Results

Weight - 194lbs
Height- 6'2"
Chest - 41"
Waist - 39.5"
Hips - 40.5"
Thighs - 22"
Biceps (flexed) - 14.5"
Toe touch (distance from fingertips to toes) 9"

Wendy's Fitness Test Results
Weight - 120
Height- 5' 6"
Chest - 34"
Waist - 30.5"
Hips - 37"
Thighs - 20.5"
Biceps (flexed) - 10.5"
Toe touch (distance from fingertips PAST toes) 3.5"

We don't have our weights yet, so I'll have to post the curl results later. Ahem...and we can't do wall sitting and pull-ups right now, because we're too stinkin' exhausted.

Here are some before pictures, hopefully to be followed with progress pictures on days 30, 60, and 90.
Day 1

Day 1
This evening we did Ab Ripper X and Plyometrics. We made it through most of abs. And then I thought I would die through Plyometrics. At one point, I just decided to momentarily collapse on the floor. And I thought I was in decent shape!!

This will be worth it.

For one thing, Fred is now motivated to eat right. This could save him from a heart attack!