
On Day 16 a leaner schedule plus ABS

Well, today's schedule called for Ab Ripper and then Chest and Back. But, because we are still sore from hiking, sunburns, and yesterday's workout, we decided not to lift weights. We did do the Ab Ripper again. Have I mentioned how much I hate oblique sit-ups? I. Hate. Them. But I am getting MIGHTY dang great at the mason twist, if I may say so myself. And I can do the sit-ups like no one's business now. Yes, these abs will be awesome in another 63 days! ;-)

After Abs we elected to do the "Lean version" Sunday workout of Core Synergetics. Lean does not imply easy and should not be interpreted as such. It was tough. I thought the banana moves were going to make me motion sick at first! And the bow/ boat thing is just plain mean. On the very bright side, I felt my butt burning, which is always good. Butt flab be gone! Personally, I think the "moving boxes" (or whatever it's called) is the most effective exercise in this video!

We'll start posting some photos of us doing the workouts, if you promise not to laugh. And we'll post our "official 30-Day pictures" in about 2 more weeks!

Exercise begets exercise. I work and therefore I want to work. Oh, yes-- Bring it!

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

1 comment:

Jerri Dalrymple said...

I'm so proud of you guys for keeping on "keeping on" even when you're tired or have done other exercise worthy activities...you are inspiring me!!! :0)